4 workers injured in drive-by shooting

By: WMCActionNews5.com Staff

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) – Four construction workers were wounded during a drive-by shooting Tuesday afternoon, according to Memphis Police Department.

The shooting happened near 2:30 p.m. on Faronia Road near East Shelby Drive.

Three victims are in non-critical condition while a fourth is critical. One officer was also injured and is in non-critical condition. It’s unclear how the officer was injured.

Police were patrolling the area when they witnessed the drive-by shooting.

Officers chased the suspects’ vehicle into Southaven and took five people into custody after their vehicle crashed on I-55 near Stateline Road.

A witness said there was an argument between the workers and another group that led to the shooting.

Two suspects were injured in the crash. It’s likely the five suspects will need to be extradited to Memphis because they crossed state lines.

Southaven Police department is also helping with the investigation.

None of the victims or suspects have been identified at this time.

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